Do you have a friend who has a baby on the way? Here are some ideas to make her baby shower fresh and fun!
This first tip comes from Play Party Plan
Before the shower, ask your guest of honor 24 different baby related questions. Write the answers to the questions in random order on custom printed bingo cards and pick up a couple of prizes for the winners.
Here’s a sweet game that doubles as a gift…
Create a pretty fill in the blank sheet where guests can share wishes and advice for the mom-to-be.
You can then have them all bound into a cute keepsake.
This is a funny one from Sarcasm 101
Take head shots of the mom and dad to be a week before the party and have the images blown up to fit on an 8.5×11 sheet of card stock with straight cut lines to create slices for each of their foreheads, eyes, noses, mouths, and chins. Print multiples and slice them up so guests can “construct” a possible baby face. Everyone can take pics of their babies and have a contest for the best (funny) one.
Cute printable games from Etsy that we can print on card stock or customize for you.
Don’t forget the decorate the onesie table, everyone loves that game!
We hope these tips will help you plan the perfect baby shower.