How many times have you received a promotional item that made you feel like the person giving it to you was saying “here, you throw this away for me”? In today’s market there’s no excuse to not give your customers something they’ll appreciate. Here are some unique promotional product ideas to make your customers happily remember you:
Did you know a promotional tote bag, on average is kept for four years? That’s a long time to have your customers marketing for you. Living in Texas, it’s rare to see someone not carrying lip balm. Wouldn’t it be great if they were carrying one with your name on it?
The average woman owns five promotional mugs. Let us help you make your company mug be one of them.
While gift cards might not really be a promotional item, it’s something branded with your business.
Here are some statistics on gift cards:
Retailers who switch from paper gift certificates to plastic gift cards typically see a 50-100% increase in sales.
61% of gift card holders spend more than the amount of their gift card, and 75% of those who overspend spend 60% more than the value of their card.
90% of gift cards are used within the first 60 days
Don’t have a designer to help you? Our designers are ready to up your design game. Let us help you design your next perfect promo item!